It is the sole intent of the Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate to provide powerlifting competitors an environment in which they may compete at their highest level utilizing the best possible equipment and conditions to perform the squat, bench press and deadlift in the presence of three qualified referees and judged to the long standing and integral criteria of the sport of powerlifting while being shown respect, embraced as a peer and heard as an individual not a commodity.
No Membership Fees - EVER!
This is a 21st century orgnization. Using techonology to decrease the adminstrative tasks to manage event data has eliminated the need for staffing. Let's be honest, what were you getting for that membership fee?
Code of Conduct
We have a very strong stance against violence and abuse. There is no tolerance for explicit and demeaning behavior at our events. 100% of the procedes from records certificates fund abused and injured animal well-being. Take a moment to visit our non-profit charity Power Against Violnce and Abuse.