Revolution Powerlifting

2025 MAYhem

Presented by RiverCity Barbell

1101 2nd Avenue, Dayton KY 41074


Saturday May 17, 2025

Prices include the PayPal processing fee.
Mailed entries are still accepted and are not charged the processing fee.
Submitting entry is agreeing to the terms of the liability waiver.

1 Division - $103.00

2 Divisions - $143.00  3 Divisions - $183.00 • 4 Divisions - $223.00
An Extra Division is the same as a Crossover

Entry Fee
•Phone number is required due to Smart Phone or Tablet entries being received blank.
(please no " or ' when filling form - Paypal does not like them)

If the meet you wish to enter is not listed here, see events on the left for direct linkst to their entry forms.

Events (*adding additional events is the same as additional divisions)

Divisions: Multi-Ply, Single-Ply, Raw Classic (no knee wraps), Raw Moden (w/ knee wraps)

Class: Amateur, Professional, Elite*, Police Pro, Police Am, Military Pro, Military Am
(*Elite $100 Mandatory Test Fee to be paid prior to start of meet)

Age Divisions: Open, Teen, Junior (20-23), Submaster (33-39), Master
Note: Sinlge-ply age divisions are Open, Teens 14-15, 16-17, 18-19, Master 50+.