Meet Equipment Specifications and Requirements
- Platform
For meets that include squatting, the lifting platform must measure a minimum of 9 feet by 12 feet. For meets that do not include squatting the platform may measure a minimum of 8 feet by 8 feet The lifting platform may be constructed with wood or rubber matting and must be covered with carpeting that provides adequate traction and minimal compression. The platform area is reserved for the referees, spotters (meet provided and lifter provided), loaders, approved personnel and the lifter. Any adjustments to the equipment on the platform or the platform itself, will be designated by the referees and/or meet director.
- Bars
All bars must be of the Olympic type. Specifically designated squat, bench press or dead lift bars may be used. There should be a diameter machine marking on the bar should be taped to measure 81 cm or 31-7/8 inches between markings or tape. National and international competitions require the use of Squat Specific Bar and a Dead Lift Specific Bar (no center knurling). The bars used in the warm-up area should be the same type as that used on the lifting platform.
- Collars will always be used on the platform unless the attempt is the weight of the bar. Each must weigh 2.5 kg. or 5 lbs.
- Plates will range from 1.25 kg. through 45 kg. or in pounds 2.5 lbs. through 100 lbs. Plates .5 kg. and .25 kg. may be used for record purposes only. The heaviest plate must be loaded first facing in, with the rest of the plates loaded facing out heaviest to lightest.
- Squat Racks
All Sanctioned State, National and International meets are required to use a Monolift-type squat rack on the competition platform and a minimum of two Monolift-type squat racks be available in the warm-up area. The utilization of safety devices to stop a dropped bar from landing on the floor, i.e. straps or chains, is mandatory! These will be utilized in the warmup area and platform. They are not to be tampered with or removed by a lifter or handler/coach. Any lifter refusing to participate due to the safety devices being implemented, will be removed from the competition and have their entry fee reimbursed. UPDATE (8-18-16): At no time will the safety devices be removed from the monolift.
- Bench
All Competitions will have a minimum of two benches in the warm-up area and make available in the warm-up area the same or a satisfactory equivalent of the bar used on the competition platform. The bench must be construction for maximum stability and conform to the following dimensions:
- Length not less than 1.22 m. (4 feet) and shall be flat and level.
- Width shall be 29-32 cm. (11.42 inches to 12.6 inches).
- Height- Max height 18.75 inches measured from the floor to the top of the padded surface of the bench without being depressed or compacted.
- On adjustable benches, the height of the uprights shall be a minimum of 82-100 cm. (32-1/4 to 39 inches) maximum position.
- On non-adjustable benches the height of the measured from the floor to the bar rest uprights must be between 87-100 cm. (34.25 inches to 39.37 inches) from the floor to the bar rest position.
- Maximum width between insides of bar rests 1.10m. (3 feet – 7-1/8 inches).
- Meet directors will provide chalk to lifters in the warm-up area and on the platform.
- Meet director will supply a wire brush to remove caked in chalk from the knurling of the bars.
- Warm Up Area
- All lifting bars used must be of the highest quality and be the same type of bars that are used in the warm-up area.
- All lifting platforms must be large enough to accommodate the lifter, spotters and equipment safely. Platforms may be constructed of plywood or hard (low compression) rubber mats covered with carpeting that provides adequate traction and minimal compression.
- Spotters/Loaders
There shall be no more than eight (8) or fewer than two (2) spotters on the platform at any time.
See The SPOTTER REQUIREMENTS section of the rule book for more information on Spotters.
- Notification of Decision on Lift by Referees
Whenever possible a system of lights should be provided whereby the referees make known their decisions. Each referee will control a white and a red light, the white light representing a good lift and a red light denoting a declined lift. Should a light system not be available, flags of white and red or thumbs up or thumbs down may be utilized. The lights or other indicators will remain visible until the decision of the lift is announced to be recorded by the scoring table.
- Public Address, Music and Lighting
A suitable system of announcing the lifters and attempts must be utilized. Music may be played and light shows used as long as it does not impede the referee’s ability to judge or convey the commands of the lifts. All music played must be suitable for public consumption and in good taste. Obscene and abusive music should be kept to a minimum.
- Backdrops, Projection Screens, Advertisement and Decorations on the Platform
Advertising, decorations and displays may be placed anywhere on or around the platform that does not obstruct the view of the referee, audience, or scorer/announcer. There must not be any obstruction of the flow of lifter traffic to and from the equipment on the platform. Nothing may be placed on or near the platform that may be perceived as hazardous to the lifter, coaches, spotters, loaders, referees or any other designated personnel. If an essential item is required and is posing a hazard, all precautions must be taken to reduce the hazard, i.e. taping down carpet edges or wires.
© 2025 Rules: Revolution Powerlifting Syndicate.